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lockette removal
Forum: Lockette Removal
Last Post: Syasikk
02-07-2022, 12:33 AM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 1,813
DarkRequiem Recruitment
Forum: Faction Recruitment
Last Post: _marama_
12-04-2021, 08:32 AM
» Replies: 2
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quick question
Forum: Questions & Help
Last Post: Syasikk
11-20-2021, 03:27 AM
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lockette removal
Forum: Lockette Removal
Last Post: Syasikk
11-19-2021, 07:41 PM
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faction timed out
Forum: Questions & Help
Last Post: Syasikk
11-18-2021, 04:39 PM
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lockette removal
Forum: Lockette Removal
Last Post: Da_Dj
10-27-2021, 05:18 PM
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lockette removal
Forum: Lockette Removal
Last Post: Syasikk
09-30-2021, 02:29 AM
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Lockette removal request,...
Forum: Lockette Removal
Last Post: Syasikk
09-01-2021, 02:43 PM
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4. VIP Rank Rules
Forum: Official Threads
Last Post: Syasikk
01-16-2021, 06:35 PM
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3. Game Modding
Forum: Official Threads
Last Post: Syasikk
01-16-2021, 06:19 PM
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» Views: 1,665

  lockette removal
Posted by: _marama_ - 02-06-2022, 04:56 AM - Forum: Lockette Removal - Replies (1)

  • In-game name: _marama_
  • Reason for request: (choose: Inactive player, player left faction, player was kicked from faction, or banned player) in wilderness
  • Name on the lockettes to be removed: Ziad & Tyba-288/67//2136lt
  • Faction name:N/A
  • Coordinates: (in the format: x y z, eg. -211 66 318. Find these with /coords) 1 chest at -291/64/-2113  2 chests at -291/64/-2125 & 1 chest at 
  • Number of lockettes to be removed: 4

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  DarkRequiem Recruitment
Posted by: _marama_ - 11-25-2021, 07:12 PM - Forum: Faction Recruitment - Replies (2)

We Are Looking For Active New Members Who Love To Play As Much As We Do 

We Recruit New Members Often 

Our faction has:
 public farms available to be used by all members 
access to cows, pigs, sheep, and chickens for resources
guardian farm 

Please Reply Below With The Format 

#1 NO GRIEFING - Do not break anything you did not build or place 

#2 Lock all doors and chests so you do not have your things stolen
#3 Build on your plot only
#4 Do not build anything that hangs over the paths

#5 NO Farms, Cows, Pigs, Chickens, Sheep,  Portals, Nether gates Or Golems On Plots 
#6You May Have ONE pet on your plot
Pets: include: Cat, Ocelot, Donkey, Horse, Mule, Parrot, Dolphin, Llama, Polar bear, Panda, Wolf or Fox
#7 Anyone staying in a prebuilt house must get approval of  leader or lead officer

Application :

In-Game Name:

How Long Have You Played MC:

How Long Have You Played On Rainbow:

Are You A VIP?:

-If Yes, What Level?:

What Kind Of A Minecrafter Are You (builder, Gatherer, farmer Enchanter, etc):

What do you think griefing is? :

Why Do You Think Griefing Isn't Allowed On The Server? :

Have You Ever Been Banned?:

    -If  Yes, What For?:

Are You Currently In A Faction?:

    -If Yes, What Faction?:

 Are You Leaving Your Current Faction?:

    - If Yes Why?:

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  quick question
Posted by: _marama_ - 11-19-2021, 10:23 PM - Forum: Questions & Help - Replies (1)

when you use /autopickup do u have to to redo it every time you log out

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  lockette removal
Posted by: _marama_ - 11-19-2021, 05:53 AM - Forum: Lockette Removal - Replies (1)

ign: _marama_

faction: darkrequiem

reason for removal: faction disbanded

# of lockettes: 5

name on lockettes: PositiveZe  & Tybalt

coords: -283/40/ -2807

thanks for helping appreciate it very much

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  faction timed out
Posted by: _marama_ - 11-18-2021, 10:56 AM - Forum: Questions & Help - Replies (1)

IGN: _marama_

a faction that no longer has any members has not disbanded 

faction claims are at -400/63/-2777

thanks to who ever helps

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  lockette removal
Posted by: _marama_ - 10-20-2021, 11:18 PM - Forum: Lockette Removal - Replies (3)

ign: _marama_

reason for request: in wilderness

name on lockettes:  owngamesgamer

faction name: none

coords:1671/76/-65   and at  1548/80/-67

#of lockettes to be removed: 4  (2 at each coord)

thanks to who ever helps really appreciate it

?seen says inactive 1 month 1 day and 4 hrs 



name on lockettes: kalakoala_

reason: in wilderness

fac name: none

coords:  1623/64/-99

# of lockettes: 1  

/seen says player not on server

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  lockette removal
Posted by: _marama_ - 09-29-2021, 03:41 AM - Forum: Lockette Removal - Replies (2)

IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  PapaKermet21
fac name : in wilderness
coords : -373/102/1236
number of lockettes to be removed : 1


IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  priprimoti & PapaKermet21
fac name : in wilderness
coords :  -393/102/1244
number of lockettes to be removed :  4


IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  PapaKermet21
fac name : in wilderness
coords :  -382/107/1229
number of lockettes to be removed : 2


IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  priprimoti
fac name : in wilderness
coords :  -310/103/1215
number of lockettes to be removed : 1


IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  Titivillua
fac name : in wilderness
coords :  -323/110/1239
number of lockettes to be removed : 1


IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  priprimoti
fac name : in wilderness
coords : -306/101/1257
number of lockettes to be removed : 1


IGN : _marama_
reason :  inactive player
name on lockettes :  bossmanstarboy,shwizzy,& Zxnxrui
fac name : in wilderness
coords : -304/99/1245
number of lockettes to be removed : 3
thank you in advance for the help

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  Lockette removal request, online server bug
Posted by: Lucius9 - 09-01-2021, 08:18 AM - Forum: Lockette Removal - Replies (1)

In- game name: Lucius9
Reason: Cannot access my chests, transition to online server bug
Name on lockettes: Lucius9
Faction name: Temerians

There are several spots so I'll list each pair of coords and number of lockettes.

1. 1748 5 -1891.      9 Lockettes

2. 1760 69 -1903.    1 Lockette

3. 1795 37 -2147.    7 Lockettes

4.  1681 86 -2295.   2 Lockettes

5. 1686 80 -2290.    1 Shop sign (name on sign unknown because of the bug)

6. 1688 71 -2286.    2 Lockettes

7. 1683 64 -2284.    75 Lockettes

8. 1679 57 -2290.    1 Lockette

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Information 4. VIP Rank Rules
Posted by: Syasikk - 01-16-2021, 06:35 PM - Forum: Official Threads - No Replies

1: Basics

  • Don't sell taxi services.
  • Don't assume that donating excludes you from server rules
  • More rules will be added as we need.
2: Creative Mode
  • Don't attempt to bypass creative restrictions (by attempting to place items in containers, give items to other players, store items outside of your creative inventory, etc). If you encounter a bug, report it immediately with /report and do not exploit it.
  • Do not build in wilderness. Do not build in other factions, unless the faction owner also owns an active creative subscription and is the person you are building for.
  • You may not sell creative mode land to non-creative players. You may not unclaim land that has block that were placed in creative mode (same with disbanding). Post in forums to ask a mod to remove these blocks for you
  • Breaking any of the above rules will result in your creative perk being revoked without refund. You may also be prevented from purchasing it again.

These guidelines are subject to modification at any time with no notification. Ensure that you read and understand our general rules and game rules before playing. Direct inquiries about these rules to our questions sub-forum.

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Information 3. Game Modding
Posted by: Syasikk - 01-16-2021, 06:19 PM - Forum: Official Threads - No Replies

1: Blanket Statements

  • If you are unsure whether a mod is permitted, ask in the questions & help sub-forum and staff will get back to you.
  • As stated in game rules, no cheats, hacks, or exploits of any kind are permitted. Even if you think you are getting away with cheating, our staff and anti-cheat will find and ban you.
2: Specifically Allowed Modifications

  • GUI mods such as JEI, Neat, and similar cosmetic mods that don't provide an unfair advantage.
  • If you want to use an inventory sorting mod, ask for approval so staff can check that our anti-cheat will not flag it.
  • Texture packs and shaders that are not designed to give you an advantage in the game. We recommend Sildurs Extreme Shaders with the programmer texture pack.
  • Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition)
  • Optifine
3: Specifically Banned Modifications

  • Any map mods with radar or cavemap functionality, even if you turn it off. Use fair play editions or a mod without that functionality.
  • Any building schematic mods that show you exactly where to place each block.
  • Any mod that alters game mechanics in any way. This includes map downloaders, x-ray mods, speed, fly and jump mods, instant mining, tracer, extreme enchants, invisible mods, sneak mods, and teleportation mods.
  • Any hacked client that allows auto-reconnect or has built in cheats (we can detect which client you use and our anti-cheat will flag and ban your account).

These guidelines are subject to modification at any time with no notification. Ensure that you read and understand our general rules and game rules before playing. Direct inquiries about these rules to our questions sub-forum.

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